Opening Day - Building Contest

May 7, 2023

Opening day was picture perfect with little to no wind with temperatures reaching about 70 degrees.  Overall we had a good turnout but only a limited number of pilots in the Building Contest. 

Pat Meighan oversaw the Building Contest and we had a total of 5 entrants, 3 in scale and 2 in sport. 

In Scale categaory, we had Armand Graziani with a Nieuport 17 and Bob Levanduski with an Albatros.  John Tanzer had a Do 217 twin, but did not have a qualifying flight.

In Sport Category, we had Carl Gubkin with his Fotar II (Modified Electric Four-Star 40) and Johannes with a Donnerkeil (Self-Design).

In total, there were about twenty-five members attending who all enjoyed a free lunch.  We need to thank Pat, Brian, Irwin and Jim for their efforts in making the day a success.

Building Contest Participants -

Other Pilots enjoying the day -

