Opening Day - Building Contest

  June 9, 2024
(Rescheduled from May 5th)

Mean looking sky.....

Opening day had been rescheduled due to bad weather but June 9th turned out to be somewhat rainy and windy as well.  About 15 pilots showed up with a few entering the building contest.  A few flights got in between the rain stoppages and before the winds picked up. 

Pat Meighan oversaw the Building Contest and we had a total of about 4 entrants.  Since some of the Building Contest flights could not be completed due to the bad weather, the contest will be continued on another day to be determined. 

Hamburgers and Hot Dogs were still served to those present which made the day worth while.  We need to thank Pat, Brian, Irwin and Jim for their efforts in salvaging the day.

Trying to keep dry during the rain -

Building Contest Participants -

John Tanzer's built plane to be flown by Irwin

Other Pilots enjoying the day along with Building Contest Pilots getting their planes ready -

