Open House Jamboree Airshow
Warbirds & Other
May 18th, 2024

This was MCRCS second event featuring "Warbirds and Other" planes as last year was rained out.  Weather was good for flying with low winds but cloudy.  Rain moved in after 2:00 pm but this still gave everyone enough time to enjoy flying and eating the great lunch that was served.  Attendance was good and we were glad to get the event in since it had been raining every few days and weekends this spring.

Our Club President, Brian meeting with invited guest District II Associate VP, Alex Szemere -

Pilots getting their planes ready & flying -

Planes flying in the gentle winds -

Sharing the field with a Paraglider -


Lunchtime - We thank our cooks who make the best hamburgers and hot dogs!

Pilots enjoying the food served with salads and all the fixings!
