These are a just a few candid photos taken the night of the meetings to give you an idea what went on.
2023 |
August 2nd, 2023 -
was great and some members were flying. Johannes was also selling
some planes from his car prior to the meeting. Ray brought his
truck to take the debris from the recent repairs made to the trailer
shed. Jim Meighan held a Meeting Program and discussed how the
2.4 GHZ Spectrum radio system works. New Members Hugo and Pierre
Barnowski soloed right after the meeting under the direction of Nobu
and Chris. It was decided that this was the last Field Meeting
for the year as the Cranbury Library was reserved for September.
July 5th, 2023 - |
was good but a very strong sun made flying difficult for some
pilots. FAA registration was dicussed and it was indicated that
we should all re-register and just list one plane if no drones.
The rescheduling of our cancelled Open Fun-Fly was discussed and we
will see if we can come up with a date in September along with someone
to lead the event at the next meeting. The need for a security
camera was also dicussed with more information due at the next
meeting. New member Tony Giorgio was introduced who has many
years of past experience from another club.
June 7th, 2023 - |
Meeting cancelled due to Canadian Wildfires making air quality poor.