Ham Fly
January 1, 2025

Wednesday, January 1st, was not a flying day as winds were gusting over 20 plus miles per hour with temperatures in the low to mid forties.  The trick was to get to the field early as winds at 9:00 am where supposed to just be about 10 to 12 mph before they picked up.  So I was ready to go at 9:00 am sharp and got in two flights.  Irwin was the second flyer of the year with just a few other pilots after that. We had a very big turnout with over 25 members showing up although most didn't fly.  Augie brought a trailer full of planes to the field for a quick sale.  These were the planes that his deceased brother, Greg, flew throughout the years.  Hopefully by flying them, we will keep Greg's memory alive.  The drawing for the Hams was held about 10:30 am and you can refer to the pictures below to see who the winners were.......

Carl gets the first flight of the year!

Some of the pilots that flew!


Sale of Greg's Planes

Getting ready for Ham Drawing

The Drawing for the Hams!

Our Ham Winners!


