
1.   Contestant is allowed only one entry in each class.  A contestant must be a current           member in good standing.  A separate category will be provided for junior members           (ages 12 to 17).
2.    Classes shall consist of scale, non-scale, old timers, and unorthodox.  (No ARF’S)
3.     Model that placed first, second, or third in previous building contests may not be              entered.
4.    The model, as flown, must meet all AMA and club rules.
5.    Model must be built and finished by the member entering model.
6.    The builder of model is not required to fly the model; a substitute pilot is                         acceptable.
7.    All active members present at the event will serve as judges and cast one vote in             each category. Airplanes are to be judged at 11:30 AM.
8.    Weather conditions for flying will be determined on the field at 9:00 AM, on the day         of flying.  If weather conditions are unfavorable, the contest will take place two               weekends later, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM.
9.    Flying must be conducted between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM with no exceptions.
      (Builder of model need not be present.)

10.   The flying portion will consist of a takeoff, a 360-degree turn, and a controlled                  landing as a minimum (hand or bungee launching is acceptable).
11.   If the model cannot perform the required flight, it will be disqualified.
12.   An award will be given to each member entering a model. The three models in                  each category with the most votes will be recognized as first, second, and third.