Copyright © 2008-2009 by
MCRCS, all rights reserved.

Club News and Announcements

This page contains current news and announcements for the Mercer County Radio Control Society. It is updated frequently and the most recent month is at the top of the page. The club no longer publishes a newsletter.

June 2009

The 2009 Family Picnic will be on Sunday, June 7th. Flying starts at 9:00. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be available starting about noon. Bring your favorite dish for potluck.

Meetings will occur at the field starting at 7:30 for the summer months. Some have backup plans for rain--See calendar.

July 2009

Dawn Patrol and Oldtimers Day for club members at Warren Kruse Field starting at 9:00 AM on July 19th. Bring your WWI scale model or your Oldtimer and plan to fly.